A Starting Point: How to Make Sticks
Let’s start with the pick axe. With the sticks placed as previously explained, take three wooden planks and fill in the top row of the grid; you will notice this looks a bit like a pick axe – and sure enough it makes one. Now, do the same thing, but this time take a wooden plank out of one of the top corners of the grid; this will make a hoe.
Now, go back to the two stick starting point, and place wooden planks in the space right above the sticks (so only the center space of the top row). This makes shovels. For axes, again go back to the two stick formation and fill a top corner of the grid with wooden planks (so a top corner space, and the space below it and to the side of it): just one more to go.
This last one breaks convention a bit, but don’t panic. Instead of two piles of sticks, only place one on the center of the bottom row. Then, fill the two spaces above the sticks with wooden planks and you get a fancy wooden sword.
ok these is the basic tools , but you have much tools , guess it ! ok continue whit the game , : in this game ( i say it ) you make all , and make your house too!!! swords , axes , all!!! but you say : givme a reason for make all . And i say : 4 words , zombis , spiders , bones and bombs . ok you dont now play ? see this :
Space to jump
R to respawn at the spawn point.
Enter to set a new spawn point.
B to open the inventory
F to toggle fog distance
Escape to release mouse and open game menu
1-9 or scrollwheel to change building block type
Left mouse button to add a block
Right mouse button to remove a block
Middle mouse button to copy block type
T to chat
Ok you can buy the beta version , and the real version gift you ( only gift the real version if you buy the beta complete version ) but you can download the game for free !!! the grafics is very bad , but is very adict !!! play it !!!
Now, we can get to brass tacks. Right clicking the bench will give you a three by three grid, and from this, we can make any tool in the game. The basic tools are pick axes, axes, shovels, hoes, and swords. There are many more items to make in Minecraft, but these are what you need to scrape a basic existence together.
First things first, take two piles of wooden planks and put them on the grid next to each other vertically. This will make sticks, which are necessary for all the basic tools. Then, make two piles of sticks (you can separate piles by right clicking them) and place them on the grid as so: one pile on the center space of the lowest row, and the other pile on the space above it (the center space of the grid). Take a moment to look at this pattern and have it burn into your memory; almost every basic tool is a variation of this recipe.
Tools of the Trade: Minecraft Starting ToolsLet’s start with the pick axe. With the sticks placed as previously explained, take three wooden planks and fill in the top row of the grid; you will notice this looks a bit like a pick axe – and sure enough it makes one. Now, do the same thing, but this time take a wooden plank out of one of the top corners of the grid; this will make a hoe.
Now, go back to the two stick starting point, and place wooden planks in the space right above the sticks (so only the center space of the top row). This makes shovels. For axes, again go back to the two stick formation and fill a top corner of the grid with wooden planks (so a top corner space, and the space below it and to the side of it): just one more to go.
This last one breaks convention a bit, but don’t panic. Instead of two piles of sticks, only place one on the center of the bottom row. Then, fill the two spaces above the sticks with wooden planks and you get a fancy wooden sword.
The Road to Minecraft Mining
There, now you can break stone, till soil, dig dirt, chop down trees, and slice some monsters. Soon you can start on your first mine . As you can probably tell, wooden items aren’t so great, but you can make better tools by following the same recipes, but replacing the wooden planks with stronger material. Telling which materials to use would ruin some of the fun, but here’s a small spoiler: cobblestone isn’t a bad idea.ok these is the basic tools , but you have much tools , guess it ! ok continue whit the game , : in this game ( i say it ) you make all , and make your house too!!! swords , axes , all!!! but you say : givme a reason for make all . And i say : 4 words , zombis , spiders , bones and bombs . ok you dont now play ? see this :
WASD to moveSpace to jump
R to respawn at the spawn point.
Enter to set a new spawn point.
B to open the inventory
F to toggle fog distance
Escape to release mouse and open game menu
1-9 or scrollwheel to change building block type
Left mouse button to add a block
Right mouse button to remove a block
Middle mouse button to copy block type
In multiplayer:
Tab to list playersT to chat
Ok you can buy the beta version , and the real version gift you ( only gift the real version if you buy the beta complete version ) but you can download the game for free !!! the grafics is very bad , but is very adict !!! play it !!!